
Kate Doran
Why thelittleloaf?

Nicknamed at the age of two by a great aunt who noticed that my appetite for bread was considerably bigger than I was, I’ve been a life-long fan of anything baked. While I always loved eating bread, in 2011 I decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was and start trying to bake it as well. My then boyfriend (now husband), convinced me to start a blog to document my progress and The Little Loaf blog was born.

I’m Kate. Happiness, for me, is cooking, baking and sharing what I make with friends and family. I live London with my raging carnivore of a boyfriend fiancé husband – chief taste tester in The Little Loaf kitchen – and our three small children Nino, Joy and Cleo. My first cookbook, Homemade Memories: Childhood Treats With a Twist, published by Orion Books, is out now. Find out more here.

The Little Loaf blog is collection of recipes made with good, honest ingredients and a little bit of love, often accompanied by a hefty dose of nostalgia. Eating should be as much about the experience as a necessity and I believe that ingredients, location and love are three simple yet essential factors in the true enjoyment of any meal. Allow a small sense of occasion into every bite you take, bake a little love into everything you make and I promise you’ll taste the difference.

Favourite ingredients?
Chocolate, nuts of any kind, free range eggs and grass fed butter, wholemeal flour and soft brown sugar for baking. For general cooking, red onions, garlic, lemons, olive oil, pulses and plenty of fresh herbs are a must.

Favourite foods?
Any and every kind of seafood, ice cream, avocado on toast, crusty bread, pizza, leafy greens, chocolate mousse, a perfectly ripe peach, bloody steak. This list could go on forever but these are a few of my perennial favourites.

My Mum for her incredible skills in the kitchen and for teaching me so much of what I know. My Dad for his unlimited obsession with anything food, restaurant or recipe-related. Trips to our family home in Italy, where ingredients are second to none and talking about food is an everyday occurrence.

I own a small library of recipe books and subscribe to more blogs than I can begin to list here (for my favourites, click here). There is so much incredible talent out there, and not just amongst the obvious celebrities and chefs.

Tell me a secret?
I’m not keen on hot wet food, more specifically, hot and soggy. That means no biscuits dunked in tea, no gravy on a roast, custard in a separate jug and if you’re making beans on toast (homemade please, not that sweet slop from a can), I’ll take my toast as a serving on the side.

Isn’t bread and baking bad for me?
With Great British Bake Off fever, baking in this country has seen something of a renaissance over the last few years, but on the flip side of the coin is the rise in Atkins, Paleo and Dukan-style diets, an increasing number of gluten intolerances and an overall wariness about refined sugar and carbohydrates.

While nobody is going to lose a lot of weight on a diet high in cake and baked goods, the answer is, invariably, being sensible and enjoying everything in moderation (including, thank you Julia Child, moderation). Making treats at home gives you a much better understanding of what you’re putting in your body than buying them in a packet and a small amount of good quality butter, sugar and flour is arguably less harmful than the high fructose syrups, stabilizing gums and other unrecognizable ingredients you see in so many packaged goods nowadays. I could talk for hours about this subject but to summarize: if you’re going to eat bread or cake, in moderation or otherwise, far better to make it yourself than to buy it in a packet.

So, that’s me . . .
The Little Loaf blog is about baking memories to make you smile. I hope you enjoy reading my random ramblings, stories and recipes and are inspired to make some of your own. Whatever catches your eye, hopefully this space will inspire you to roll up your sleeves, flour down those work surfaces and lose yourself for an hour or three…

You can contact me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or email me at thelittleloaf@gmail.com


  1. An amazing blog, Kate. Fantastic collection of recipes and musings.

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thank you so much!

  2. Kristy -

    Hello, I just found your blog and am really excited to make so many new things. I am now planning to make your honey & chocolate cake for my daughters 4th birthday. I would also call her a ‘honey monster’! Very much looking forward to purchasing your book. Kristy x

    • thelittleloaf -

      Ah, thanks Kristy. Happy birthday to your little honey monster!

  3. I’ve just discovered your blog and its really fantastic. Congratulations on the upcoming book. I look forward to reading it and testing out some of the recipes next year!

    • thelittleloaf -

      Ah, thanks Ciara – happy reading and can’t wait for you to get your hands on a copy of the book next year! x

  4. Hello!

    I just wanted to let you know how much I adore your blog, I have only had mine since September so it is very much a working progress, i’m still trying to learn about what people want to read, but if there was ever a blog that I would aspire for mine to be like one day it would be yours… I really do love everything about it, the layout, the photos, the recipes, and I really look forward to buying your book!

    It would mean everything for me for you (or anyone reading this) to visit my blog and give me any feedback you have. Also, if someone could please let me know how to you set up this where you can enable people to comment on posts? As currently you can only comment on mine via Facebook which isn’t ideal…

    Thank you so much!

    Love Emily x

    • thelittleloaf -

      Hi Emily, Thanks so much for your lovely comment. Heading over to check out your blog now x

    • Emily – Check out Disqus, that’s how I run my comments on my blog! Will check your blog out 🙂 x

      • Thank you so much I will take a look at Digqus now. It’s so kind of you to help me, thank you! I will take a look at your blog too! 🙂 xxx

  5. Thank you so much, please let me know any feedback you have!

    Thank you again!

    Love Emily x

  6. Hi Kate,

    Just been sent your blog by my dad! Absolutely love your recipes and your design, such a beautiful blog. I’ve subscribed to your blog and can’t wait to see more of your recipes this year.

    Lauren x

  7. I came across your cookbook in Waterstones today. It is absolutely gorgeous and it’s packed full of recipes I want to try. It’s the first item I’ll be putting on my Christmas list this year… but that’s a long wait as it’s only June! I hadn’t heard of your blog before, but I’m about to sign up, to keep me going until Dec 25th 🙂

    • admin -

      Ah thank you so much! Your comment has made my day 🙂 there were a few of the recipes in The Times magazine this Saturday just gone so you might be able to borrow a copy from someone to tide you over til Christmas 😉 xxx

  8. I have to say that for the past few of hours i have been hooked by the amazing posts on this blog. Keep up the great work.

  9. Fantastic blog Kate! Came to try and reach out to you and ended up scrolling endlessly, love the look of your coconut pancakes. Also hope your new little loaf is doing well!

  10. Hi Kate, I’ve been a keen reader of your blog for nearly 2 years now and although I am yet to comment, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and trying out your recipes (both sweet and savoury!!). I thought you might be interested to have a little look at my new youtube channel which I’ve started with the intention of teaching patisserie in nice simple way. This is the link to my instagram (and my youtube channel is linked in the description on my instagram) https://www.instagram.com/tririzzuto/. I’d love you to come and have a little look. Thank you again for your charming blog, Tri.

  11. Asad -

    Perfect writing style, perfect research and attention to detail, not only to events but to emotions felt. Thank you so much sir for your great post on the great blog.

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  13. one of the great post I’ve ever read. keep sharing such stuff on regular basis

  14. baking! ahhhhh awesome so delightful and testy. love your work

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