Three Years Blogging + Cake

35 Comments on Three Years Blogging + Cake

chocolate_caramel_cake-053Last week, reading this post, I realised that I’d managed completely miss my blog birthday. Again.

On 23rd February 2011, I published my very first post.  Three years later, although there’s so much more I want to learn about photography and recipe writing (and life), I’m extremely proud of how far I’ve come. Those original photos make me cringe just a little (look them up, you will laugh), my enthusiasm for what is clearly not the lightest of loaves is unbounded, but it’s a record of where I was, a marker for where I am now, and for what, in three years’ time or more, I could be.  

Kathryn and I started our blogs within a week or so of each other. We both live in London, share the same name (if not the exact spelling, I’m Kate from Katharine) and similar tastes when it comes to baking. We both love cake and, after realising I’d missed my blog birthday this year round, decided that next year we’re doing a joint celebration and a proper party, in person. Others are welcome and there will be cake. Lots of cake, of course.

My hectic schedule continues and I don’t have a new recipe for you today, so here’s a round-up of the five cakes I wish I’d made to celebrate. Thank you all for reading, commenting and getting in touch, be it on email, social media or in person. May your days be sweet, and your year filled with cake.

Chocolate Caramel Layer Cake
Spiced Chocolate Orange Mousse Cake
Honey Almond Cake with Spiced Strawberry Sauce
Chocolate & Hazelnut Marjolaine
Carrot Cake with Lime Pistachio Cream



35 RESPONSES TO Three Years Blogging + Cake

  1. Skye -

    I love first posts! Happy Birthday, Kate – here is to another year of your gorgeous recipes… xxx

  2. Happy blog birthday Kate! A lovely three year old blog if ever I saw one x

  3. Congrats on your 3rd bloggy birthday! I completely forgot mine last fall so don’t feel bad! All of those cakes sound lovely. 🙂

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thanks Lauren!

  4. Happy 3rd year of blogging! All these cakes you’ve shown here look incredible – particularly, that chocolate and hazelnut marjolaine! : )

  5. Amy -

    Happy Blog Birthday!

    Although it’s sometimes awful to look at, if we never cringed at our earlier work it would mean we were never progressing! Or at least, that’s what I tell myself…

  6. I have loved your blog from the beginning, and it’s gone from strength to strength ever since. I think it’s one of the most beautiful and appealing baking blogs on the web, and it’s definitely one of the blogs I find most aspirational. Congrats and looking forward to your next three years and beyond.

    • thelittleloaf -

      Aw, thanks Kavey! I’ve not heard from you in ages…hope you’re well? x

      • I’m ok, thanks, the usual ups and downs of life! Still smiling! 🙂

  7. Happy Birthday! It’s crazy looking back at old posts, I’m only just coming up to a year and I can already see that I’m improving some..but still have a long way to go!

  8. I’m so excited for next year’s epic cake-based celebration. It’s going to be amazing! I’ve loved getting to know you over the last couple of years and knowing there will be a post from you on a Monday morning always starts the week off well!

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thanks Kathryn – bring on our fourth birthdays!

  9. Happy blog birthday!!!! 🙂 Those tiny carrot cake bites look to-die-for. (Also, I’m so with you on cringing over old pictures. The more we learn. 😉 ) So excited to be a relatively new follower of your blog and to keep reading!

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thanks Cynthia. So happy to have found your beautiful space too.

    • thelittleloaf -

      Ooh me too! It’s going to be awesome 🙂

  10. Hello Kate and Happy 3rd Blog Birthday!! I’ve just started so I find these kinds of posts incredibly inspiring … and I don’t feel so bad about the possibility of being cringey for a while! All the best for the next 3 years of blogging!

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thanks Helen! Here’s to the next 3 years, and many more!

  11. Happy Blogging Birthday! What an exciting milestone. Thank you for the reminder- I too will be celebrating this month! Here’s to your next three years of brilliant baking… X

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thanks Jennifer!

  12. Happy Birthday! Those cakes look so tempting 🙂

  13. Happy blog birthday! I love your work and hope to see more of it. I also think if we never cringed at our earlier work it would only mean we haven’t improved…right? 🙂

  14. Congratulations…three years on and still doing beautiful stuff.

  15. Congratulations on 3 years! That cake looks delicious! here’s to many more years!

  16. Happy blog birthday! What an amazing achievement and great cakes to celebrate with too. Here’s to many more happy blogging years 🙂

  17. Happy blogiversary! and thanks for all the great recipe inspiration x

  18. Happy Blogoversary!! All these cakes look delicious, I would have trouble picking just one to bake!

  19. Izy -

    Yaay! Happy 3rd blog birthday! Cakes are deffo the way to celebrate 🙂

    • thelittleloaf -

      Thanks Izy. I believe that without cake, it’s not technically a proper celebration 😉

  20. Happy blog birthday! I always enjoy reading your blog and I cannot wait to see what the next few hears have in store for you!

    PS your post was a great reminder to set a reminder for my own blog birthday, otherwise I am sure I would just forget!

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